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This is how it looks, my little Princess. I've folded her, because she will join me at work tomorrow for show and tell. There's only one woman at my office besides me, and she's begun to knit (again) because of me and my knitting.

Sometimes I bring my knitting to work, and noone could understand what the bulb would turn out to be. Someone suggested a hat, another a hair net!

Well, a very nice hair net :) I'm satisfied with the corners, even though I could have had more repeats of the edging pattern on the sides to make the waves more visible.

I've also understood that I made the middle where the pattern meets up completely wrong! Well, well. I know that everyone says that even the smallest mistake will bother them for ever. I don't feel like that. I just figure that I will learn and do better next time. Imagine how boring to knit something perfect! sort of reaching the end of the world...

Fortunately, I haven't reached the end of the world yet. So this is what will keep me company in the nearest future. Continuing knitting on Kata:

That is absolutely gorgeous!!
Nä fy fan. Ohyggligt imponerande! Fantastiskt arbete, gudomligt garn. Ett mästerverk. Viva Pia!
Du är ju bara så grym, Pia! Vilken prestation! Och jag tycker din inställning till dina "fel" är väldigt sympatisk. Den är skitsnygg!
Wow. The shawl is stunning. Awesome job.
Mkt snyggt, jag är helimpregnerad! Kram H
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