
måndag, mars 20, 2006

I present to you:

M in his sweater!
Standing on top of Empire State Building in a sweater made by me! He must feel like he's on top of the world! Please note the UN building on his left side.
This is the first sweater I started to knit. It has been... boring! Even though M is slim, it felt endless to knit it becauseof the size. I don'treally liked knitting with the yarn either, Karisma's superwashed. I like the result though, the arms are a bit large, but the sweater is actually quite fitted even though it doesn't show in the picture. Being much older and wisernow, I wonder why I picked something that ordinary to knit, but I know the answer to that question. I wanted to see M in a striped sweater!


At 1:25 em, Blogger miastick said...

Vadå, den var ju fin! Förresten är det ju bra att börja med något ganska "basic"- visst var det din första tröja? (Eller har jag fattat fel?)

At 2:08 em, Blogger Välklädd said...

Nej, det stämmer, det började som min första tröja. Sen har jag hunnit påbörja och avsluta både det ena och det andra undertiden.
och tack! :)


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