I have been on a combined work and vacation trip to Las Vegas for ten days. I brought some projects and had looked out some yarn stores I wanted to visit. What a fool I was! No knitting, no blog reading, no blogging and no yarn shopping at all!! I simply didn't have time for any of it!
When I got back yesterday, there were some 150 new messages on bloglines! Phew! I'm down to13 now but don't think I will finish tonight. Anyway, since I hadn't even missed my needles for over a week, I thought I was in some anti-knitting mode. Maybe I've been knitting too much this last year? Maybe it's the Rambling Rose that is giving me this reluctant feeling to knitting? But I've promised to knit a smaller Ferragamo-bag for a friend, and since I have the yarn and everything, I thought that I atleast could try to make it. Here it is so far.

Gray yarn with pink textile for the inner bag. And you know what? I started to knit, and I thought, maybe I actually should finish the rambling rose (Erin, over at
Girl Who Knits is blocking her pieces as we speak!), what happened to the Norweigan stockings I started?(I've heard that Linster at
Yarnlove has reached the heel! Pff!! Believe it when I see it! Liar, liar, pants on fire!) And I've seen many beautiful Forecasts out there and I should really make my own! So you know what? I think I'll spend tomorrow night alone with my needles on the balcony! But pretty please, don't tell my friends, maybe they will get the idea of visiting me and spoil my knitevening!! ;)