I'm very satisfied!

Ok, maybe I should know this, but when a measurment is given for the width of a slightly fitted sweater, is it the widest part at the bottom, the waist or the chest that is given??
It seems like I had missed one of the presents in the package from my Sp: markers that were hidden in one of the pockets! Soon I will start telling you how great she is, because I think you will try to steel her away from me! The lovely markers have already replaced the ugly, boring red and blue rings that helped me keep track on the repeats of my "summer of lace"-project:
Here is a better picture of the knitting (?), I hope it will look good all stretched out and blocked when it's finished!
So should I say thank you again? I actually feel that thank you isn't enough, I hope you understand, Sp that I'm soo greatful that you've sent me those gifts, they are so perfectly put together to suit me! So, thank you! :)
What else? Well, even though I didn't mention it yesterday, I was at mariatorget yesterday for the WWKIPD. There are some pictures of it here (I'm to the left in the right photo), here and here.
Mostly I've been knitting on the Rambling Rose. I think I'm a very slow knitter... will it never be finished?? Well, I've got some 10 cm left to the armhole shaping, if i ever get there!
Here's a close up of the pattern. I think it's really difficult to get the pattern to look good, but since I'm no perfectionist, I'm just hoping for it to get better along the way! :)
Let me tell you; I love, love, love Cadbury chocolat and
one of my favourite colours is red so you got it all right, Sp!
The red is a bag for my knitting needles, better shown here:
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
It is more than a week ago that I started to knit on Rambling Rose. I got a shiny bright idea of knitting it in the round even though I'm using pure cotton and then make a steek in the middle. Very smart. So I knitted the 15 cm long rib on 2,5 mm needles without complaining. When the ribbing was done I read more of the pattern and saw that I was supposed to put 9 sts from each front piece on holders. That is, on both sides of the planned steek I should put 9 sts on a holder. Should I repeat it again? Or just take a silent moment so we all have a chance to figure out how to make proper steeks while the adjoining 9 sts should be put on holder?
So this is a love story that started out the way any love story starts: wanting gazes which lead a soft feeling against your skin, and a warm feeling in your heart.