I'm not worse than anyone else. I' m ready to Flash my Stash ! Since I'm a very tidy person, it's not because of a visit of M's parents that I cleaned up the ugly traces of my yarn-abuse. (more about what that visit lead to later), it always looks tidy like this!
I have my yarn in the TV-furniture and I don't want any readers to be upset of the extremely small TV that can be seen on top of the very 80's, black piece of furniture. It's true that the TV itself is small and I think that M got it when he was about 10 years old (he doesn't recall how old he was, but remembers that he used it for his Nintendo 8-bit games) and since it's still working, and we don't watch tv that often, give me ONE reason why we should buy a new one!! I guess that the black thing would have been in the garbage a long time ago if it hadn't been very suitable for the tv itself. If we ever would buy a new tv, we would certainly buy a new tv-furniture as well. Well, back to the yarn...
So, on the top shelf, I have some random left-overs that I like. Well, did I say left-overs? From left to right, there is M's hat, seats for the chairs to the balcony and left-overs (told you there were left-overs) from my laptop-case. Speaking of it, it will go round, round today, we've got laundry-time!

And on the bottom, that's where I keep my new Dale-yarn that i got yesterday and some other random yarns. The left-overs that i don't like is in a white box in the back so I don't have to see them. The light purple cone is from Habu and the brown thing to the left is left-overs from the Moebius.
My parents stopped by today today to give us some longed for- furniture for the balcony, you know the gray balcony that will be transformed to heaven! This is how it look like now.

And as I mentioned, M's parents visited us today as well. And as the custom seemed to be today, not without bringing a piece of furniture, a chair that has been "redressed" (what's the word for it??) in Josef Frank's fabulous fabric from Svenskt Tenn: